Source code for hbmqtt.client

# Copyright (c) 2015 Nicolas JOUANIN
# See the file license.txt for copying permission.

import asyncio
import logging
import ssl
import copy
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
from functools import wraps

from hbmqtt.utils import not_in_dict_or_none
from hbmqtt.session import Session
from hbmqtt.mqtt.connack import CONNECTION_ACCEPTED
from hbmqtt.mqtt.protocol.client_handler import ClientProtocolHandler
from hbmqtt.adapters import StreamReaderAdapter, StreamWriterAdapter, WebSocketsReader, WebSocketsWriter
from hbmqtt.plugins.manager import PluginManager, BaseContext
from hbmqtt.mqtt.protocol.handler import ProtocolHandlerException
from hbmqtt.mqtt.constants import QOS_0, QOS_1, QOS_2
import websockets
from websockets.uri import InvalidURI
from websockets.exceptions import InvalidHandshake
from collections import deque

_defaults = {
    'keep_alive': 10,
    'ping_delay': 1,
    'default_qos': 0,
    'default_retain': False,
    'auto_reconnect': True,
    'reconnect_max_interval': 10,
    'reconnect_retries': 2,

class ClientException(Exception):

class ConnectException(ClientException):

class ClientContext(BaseContext):
        ClientContext is used as the context passed to plugins interacting with the client.
        It act as an adapter to client services from plugins
    def __init__(self):
        self.config = None

base_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def mqtt_connected(func):
        MQTTClient coroutines decorator which will wait until connection before calling the decorated method.
        :param func: coroutine to be called once connected
        :return: coroutine result
    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self._connected_state.is_set():
            base_logger.warning("Client not connected, waiting for it")
            asyncio.wait([self._connected_state.wait(), self._no_more_connections.wait()], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
            if self._no_more_connections.is_set():
                raise ClientException("Will not reconnect")
        return (yield from func(self, *args, **kwargs))
    return wrapper

[docs]class MQTTClient: """ MQTT client implementation. MQTTClient instances provides API for connecting to a broker and send/receive messages using the MQTT protocol. :param client_id: MQTT client ID to use when connecting to the broker. If none, it will generated randomly by :func:`hbmqtt.utils.gen_client_id` :param config: Client configuration :param loop: asynio loop to use :return: class instance """ def __init__(self, client_id=None, config=None, loop=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.config = copy.deepcopy(_defaults) if config is not None: self.config.update(config) if client_id is not None: self.client_id = client_id else: from hbmqtt.utils import gen_client_id self.client_id = gen_client_id() self.logger.debug("Using generated client ID : %s" % self.client_id) if loop is not None: self._loop = loop else: self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.session = None self._handler = None self._disconnect_task = None self._connected_state = asyncio.Event(loop=self._loop) self._no_more_connections = asyncio.Event(loop=self._loop) # Init plugins manager context = ClientContext() context.config = self.config self.plugins_manager = PluginManager('hbmqtt.client.plugins', context) self.client_tasks = deque()
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def connect(self, uri=None, cleansession=None, cafile=None, capath=None, cadata=None): """ Connect to a remote broker. At first, a network connection is established with the server using the given protocol (``mqtt``, ``mqtts``, ``ws`` or ``wss``). Once the socket is connected, a `CONNECT <>`_ message is sent with the requested informations. This method is a *coroutine*. :param uri: Broker URI connection, conforming to `MQTT URI scheme <>`_. Uses ``uri`` config attribute by default. :param cleansession: MQTT CONNECT clean session flag :param cafile: server certificate authority file (optional, used for secured connection) :param capath: server certificate authority path (optional, used for secured connection) :param cadata: server certificate authority data (optional, used for secured connection) :return: `CONNACK <>`_ return code :raise: :class:`hbmqtt.client.ConnectException` if connection fails """ self.session = self._initsession(uri, cleansession, cafile, capath, cadata) self.logger.debug("Connect to: %s" % uri) try: return (yield from self._do_connect()) except BaseException as be: self.logger.warning("Connection failed: %r" % be) auto_reconnect = self.config.get('auto_reconnect', False) if not auto_reconnect: raise else: return (yield from self.reconnect())
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def disconnect(self): """ Disconnect from the connected broker. This method sends a `DISCONNECT <>`_ message and closes the network socket. This method is a *coroutine*. """ if self.session.transitions.is_connected(): if not self._disconnect_task.done(): self._disconnect_task.cancel() yield from self._handler.mqtt_disconnect() self._connected_state.clear() yield from self._handler.stop() self.session.transitions.disconnect() else: self.logger.warning("Client session is not currently connected, ignoring call")
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def reconnect(self, cleansession=None): """ Reconnect a previously connected broker. Reconnection tries to establish a network connection and send a `CONNECT <>`_ message. Retries interval and attempts can be controled with the ``reconnect_max_interval`` and ``reconnect_retries`` configuration parameters. This method is a *coroutine*. :param cleansession: clean session flag used in MQTT CONNECT messages sent for reconnections. :return: `CONNACK <>`_ return code :raise: :class:`hbmqtt.client.ConnectException` if re-connection fails after max retries. """ if self.session.transitions.is_connected(): self.logger.warning("Client already connected") return CONNECTION_ACCEPTED if cleansession: self.session.clean_session = cleansession self.logger.debug("Reconnecting with session parameters: %s" % self.session) reconnect_max_interval = self.config.get('reconnect_max_interval', 10) reconnect_retries = self.config.get('reconnect_retries', 5) nb_attempt = 1 yield from asyncio.sleep(1, loop=self._loop) while True: try: self.logger.debug("Reconnect attempt %d ..." % nb_attempt) return (yield from self._do_connect()) except BaseException as e: self.logger.warning("Reconnection attempt failed: %r" % e) if nb_attempt > reconnect_retries: self.logger.error("Maximum number of connection attempts reached. Reconnection aborted") raise ConnectException("Too many connection attempts failed") exp = 2 ** nb_attempt delay = exp if exp < reconnect_max_interval else reconnect_max_interval self.logger.debug("Waiting %d second before next attempt" % delay) yield from asyncio.sleep(delay, loop=self._loop) nb_attempt += 1
@asyncio.coroutine def _do_connect(self): return_code = yield from self._connect_coro() self._disconnect_task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.handle_connection_close(), loop=self._loop) return return_code
[docs] @mqtt_connected @asyncio.coroutine def ping(self): """ Ping the broker. Send a MQTT `PINGREQ <>`_ message for response. This method is a *coroutine*. """ if self.session.transitions.is_connected(): yield from self._handler.mqtt_ping() else: self.logger.warning("MQTT PING request incompatible with current session state '%s'" % self.session.transitions.state)
[docs] @mqtt_connected @asyncio.coroutine def publish(self, topic, message, qos=None, retain=None): """ Publish a message to the broker. Send a MQTT `PUBLISH <>`_ message and wait for acknowledgment depending on Quality Of Service This method is a *coroutine*. :param topic: topic name to which message data is published :param message: payload message (as bytes) to send. :param qos: requested publish quality of service : QOS_0, QOS_1 or QOS_2. Defaults to ``default_qos`` config parameter or QOS_0. :param retain: retain flag. Defaults to ``default_retain`` config parameter or False. """ def get_retain_and_qos(): if qos: assert qos in (QOS_0, QOS_1, QOS_2) _qos = qos else: _qos = self.config['default_qos'] try: _qos = self.config['topics'][topic]['qos'] except KeyError: pass if retain: _retain = retain else: _retain = self.config['default_retain'] try: _retain = self.config['topics'][topic]['retain'] except KeyError: pass return _qos, _retain (app_qos, app_retain) = get_retain_and_qos() return (yield from self._handler.mqtt_publish(topic, message, app_qos, app_retain))
[docs] @mqtt_connected @asyncio.coroutine def subscribe(self, topics): """ Subscribe to some topics. Send a MQTT `SUBSCRIBE <>`_ message and wait for broker acknowledgment. This method is a *coroutine*. :param topics: array of topics pattern to subscribe with associated QoS. :return: `SUBACK <>`_ message return code. Example of ``topics`` argument expected structure: :: [ ('$SYS/broker/uptime', QOS_1), ('$SYS/broker/load/#', QOS_2), ] """ return (yield from self._handler.mqtt_subscribe(topics, self.session.next_packet_id))
[docs] @mqtt_connected @asyncio.coroutine def unsubscribe(self, topics): """ Unsubscribe from some topics. Send a MQTT `UNSUBSCRIBE <>`_ message and wait for broker `UNSUBACK <>`_ message. This method is a *coroutine*. :param topics: array of topics to unsubscribe from. Example of ``topics`` argument expected structure: :: ['$SYS/broker/uptime', '$SYS/broker/load/#'] """ yield from self._handler.mqtt_unsubscribe(topics, self.session.next_packet_id)
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def deliver_message(self, timeout=None): """ Deliver next received message. Deliver next message received from the broker. If no message is available, this methods waits until next message arrives or ``timeout`` occurs. This method is a *coroutine*. :param timeout: maximum number of seconds to wait before returning. If timeout is not specified or None, there is no limit to the wait time until next message arrives. :return: instance of :class:`hbmqtt.session.ApplicationMessage` containing received message information flow. :raises: :class:`asyncio.TimeoutError` if timeout occurs before a message is delivered """ deliver_task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._handler.mqtt_deliver_next_message(), loop=self._loop) self.client_tasks.append(deliver_task) self.logger.debug("Waiting message delivery") done, pending = yield from asyncio.wait([deliver_task], loop=self._loop, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_EXCEPTION, timeout=timeout) if deliver_task in done: if deliver_task.exception() is not None: # deliver_task raised an exception, pass it on to our caller raise deliver_task.exception() self.client_tasks.pop() return deliver_task.result() else: #timeout occured before message received deliver_task.cancel() raise asyncio.TimeoutError
@asyncio.coroutine def _connect_coro(self): kwargs = dict() # Decode URI attributes uri_attributes = urlparse(self.session.broker_uri) scheme = uri_attributes.scheme secure = True if scheme in ('mqtts', 'wss') else False self.session.username = self.session.username if self.session.username else uri_attributes.username self.session.password = self.session.password if self.session.password else uri_attributes.password self.session.remote_address = uri_attributes.hostname self.session.remote_port = uri_attributes.port if scheme in ('mqtt', 'mqtts') and not self.session.remote_port: self.session.remote_port = 8883 if scheme == 'mqtts' else 1883 if scheme in ('ws', 'wss') and not self.session.remote_port: self.session.remote_port = 443 if scheme == 'wss' else 80 if scheme in ('ws', 'wss'): # Rewrite URI to conform to uri = (scheme, self.session.remote_address + ":" + str(self.session.remote_port), uri_attributes[2], uri_attributes[3], uri_attributes[4], uri_attributes[5]) self.session.broker_uri = urlunparse(uri) # Init protocol handler #if not self._handler: self._handler = ClientProtocolHandler(self.plugins_manager, loop=self._loop) if secure: sc = ssl.create_default_context( ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, cafile=self.session.cafile, capath=self.session.capath, cadata=self.session.cadata) if 'certfile' in self.config and 'keyfile' in self.config: sc.load_cert_chain(self.config['certfile'], self.config['keyfile']) if 'check_hostname' in self.config and isinstance(self.config['check_hostname'], bool): sc.check_hostname = self.config['check_hostname'] kwargs['ssl'] = sc try: reader = None writer = None self._connected_state.clear() # Open connection if scheme in ('mqtt', 'mqtts'): conn_reader, conn_writer = \ yield from asyncio.open_connection( self.session.remote_address, self.session.remote_port, loop=self._loop, **kwargs) reader = StreamReaderAdapter(conn_reader) writer = StreamWriterAdapter(conn_writer) elif scheme in ('ws', 'wss'): websocket = yield from websockets.connect( self.session.broker_uri, subprotocols=['mqtt'], loop=self._loop, **kwargs) reader = WebSocketsReader(websocket) writer = WebSocketsWriter(websocket) # Start MQTT protocol self._handler.attach(self.session, reader, writer) return_code = yield from self._handler.mqtt_connect() if return_code is not CONNECTION_ACCEPTED: self.session.transitions.disconnect() self.logger.warning("Connection rejected with code '%s'" % return_code) exc = ConnectException("Connection rejected by broker") exc.return_code = return_code raise exc else: # Handle MQTT protocol yield from self._handler.start() self.session.transitions.connect() self._connected_state.set() self.logger.debug("connected to %s:%s" % (self.session.remote_address, self.session.remote_port)) return return_code except InvalidURI as iuri: self.logger.warning("connection failed: invalid URI '%s'" % self.session.broker_uri) self.session.transitions.disconnect() raise ConnectException("connection failed: invalid URI '%s'" % self.session.broker_uri, iuri) except InvalidHandshake as ihs: self.logger.warning("connection failed: invalid websocket handshake") self.session.transitions.disconnect() raise ConnectException("connection failed: invalid websocket handshake", ihs) except (ProtocolHandlerException, ConnectionError, OSError) as e: self.logger.warning("MQTT connection failed: %r" % e) self.session.transitions.disconnect() raise ConnectException(e) @asyncio.coroutine def handle_connection_close(self): def cancel_tasks(): self._no_more_connections.set() while self.client_tasks: task = self.client_tasks.popleft() if not task.done(): task.set_exception(ClientException("Connection lost")) self.logger.debug("Watch broker disconnection") # Wait for disconnection from broker (like connection lost) yield from self._handler.wait_disconnect() self.logger.warning("Disconnected from broker") # Block client API self._connected_state.clear() # stop an clean handler #yield from self._handler.stop() self._handler.detach() self.session.transitions.disconnect() if self.config.get('auto_reconnect', False): # Try reconnection self.logger.debug("Auto-reconnecting") try: yield from self.reconnect() except ConnectException: # Cancel client pending tasks cancel_tasks() else: # Cancel client pending tasks cancel_tasks() def _initsession( self, uri=None, cleansession=None, cafile=None, capath=None, cadata=None) -> Session: # Load config broker_conf = self.config.get('broker', dict()).copy() if uri: broker_conf['uri'] = uri if cafile: broker_conf['cafile'] = cafile elif 'cafile' not in broker_conf: broker_conf['cafile'] = None if capath: broker_conf['capath'] = capath elif 'capath' not in broker_conf: broker_conf['capath'] = None if cadata: broker_conf['cadata'] = cadata elif 'cadata' not in broker_conf: broker_conf['cadata'] = None if cleansession is not None: broker_conf['cleansession'] = cleansession for key in ['uri']: if not_in_dict_or_none(broker_conf, key): raise ClientException("Missing connection parameter '%s'" % key) s = Session() s.broker_uri = uri s.client_id = self.client_id s.cafile = broker_conf['cafile'] s.capath = broker_conf['capath'] s.cadata = broker_conf['cadata'] if cleansession is not None: s.clean_session = cleansession else: s.clean_session = self.config.get('cleansession', True) s.keep_alive = self.config['keep_alive'] - self.config['ping_delay'] if 'will' in self.config: s.will_flag = True s.will_retain = self.config['will']['retain'] s.will_topic = self.config['will']['topic'] s.will_message = self.config['will']['message'] s.will_qos = self.config['will']['qos'] else: s.will_flag = False s.will_retain = False s.will_topic = None s.will_message = None return s